Moth Bean
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Moth Bean
A Native Herb Unknown Photo: Siddarth Machado
Common name: Moth Bean, Mat Bean, Turkish Gram • Hindi: भृंग Bhringga, Matki, Mot, मोठ Moth • Kannada: ಮಡಕಿ Madaki, ಮಡಿಕೆ Madike, ಸಾಬರಹೆಸರಕಾಳು Saabara Hesara Kaalu, ತುರುಕುಹೆಸರು Thuruku Hesaru, ತುಟುಕುಹೆಸರು Tutuku hesaru • Marathi: Mat, Math, Matha, Matki • Tamil: Payaru, Tulkapayir • Telugu: Kunkumapesalu, Minumulu
Botanical name: Vigna aconitifolia    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Phaseolus palmatus, Phaseolus aconitifolius, Dolichos dissectus

Moth Bean is a herbaceous creeping annual plant that creates a low-lying soil cover when fully grown. Its stem can grow up to 40 cm in height, with its hairy and dense-packed branches reaching a span of up to 150 cm. Yellow flowers are like pea flowers. develop into a brown pod 2.5 to 5 cm in length, which holds 4 to 9 seeds inside. The rectangular seeds exist in a variety of colours including, yellow-brown, whitish green and mottled with black. Moth Bean is native to India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar.
Medicinal uses: Seeds are used as diet in fever, root is narcotic.

Identification credit: Siddarth Machado Photographed in Guttur, Andhra Pradesh.

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