Mossy Rock Jasmine
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Mossy Rock Jasmine
P Native Photo: Jasmine Star
Common name: Mossy Rock Jasmine
Botanical name: Androsace muscoidea    Family: Primulaceae (Primrose family)
Synonyms: Primula dubyana, Primula duthiei

Mossy Rock Jasmine is a lax cushion-forming plant, with globular silver-haired rosettes 5-10 mm across, often borne one above the other on reddish stems. The plant blooms with small compact umbels of few mauve to lilac flowers with orange or yellow eyes. Flowers are borne in 2-8-flowered clusters atop a 1-6 cm tall stem. Flowers are about 1 cm across, petals usually rounded. Leaves are tiny, inverted-lanceshaped to elliptic, up to 8 mm long, silvery-haired on both sides. Mossy Rock Jasmine is found on stony slopes and dry areas in the Himalayas, from Pakistan to E. Nepal and Tibet, at altitudes of 3600-5200 m. Flowering: June-August.

Identification credit: Chris Chadwell Photographed in Dhar Rupan, Himachal Pradesh.

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