Mongolian Gooseberry is a prostrate shrub, 50-90 cm
tall, young branches glandular hairy, older ones hairless.
Dark-purplish flowers are borne in racemes 2.5-5 cm long, male racemes
many flowered, female ones 4-6-flowered, velvet-hairy sparsely or
totally glandular. Bracts are 2.5-4 mm long, lanceshaped, longer than
the flower-stalks. Sepal-cup is purple or dark purple, slightly hairy,
sepals 2 mm long, broadly ovate, blunt. Petals are smaller than the
sepals, spoon-shaped. Style bifid. Leaves are 1.5-2 cm long, 1-3 cm
broad, round-kidney-shaped base broadly wedge-shaped or heart-shaped,
obscurely 3-5-lobed, margin slightly toothed, covered both dorsally and
ventrally with stalkless or stipitate glands; leaf-stalks longer than
the blade, glandular hairy. Mongolian Gooseberry is found in Central
Asia, Mongolia, Pamir-Kashgar, W. Pakistan, and probably Kashmir, at
altitudes of 2900-3800 m.
Identification credit: Anzar Khuroo, J.M. Garg
Photographed in Kashmir.
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