Modest Bellflower
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Modest Bellflower
P Native Unknown Photo: D.S. Rawat
Common name: Modest Bellflower
Botanical name: Campanula immodesta    Family: Campanulaceae (Bell flower family)
Synonyms: Campanula modesta (illeg.)

Modest Bellflower is a perennial herb with delicate drooping blue flowers very similar to Long-Sepal Bellflower. Flowers are blue or purple-blue, bell-shaped, 4-11 mm; petals triangular, about half as long as tube. Flowers are borne singly at branch-ends, drooping. Sepal-cup is obovoid, 2-10 mm, hairless; sepals needle-shaped to narrowly triangular, 1.8-8 x 0.5-1 mm, usually shorter than flower, entire. Stems are single or 2 to several and clustered, erect or rising up, 7-22 cm. Basal leaves are in a rosette, long stalked; blade round or ovate, 5-15 x 4-8 mm, margin rounded toothed or entire; leaf-stalk 5-45 mm. Lower stem leaves are long stalked; blade linear or lanceshaped. Middle and upper stem leaves 1-3, stalkless; blade linear or narrowly lanceshaped, 5-20 mm, margin rounded toothed. Capsules are obovoid, 5.5-20 × 2.5-6 mm. Modest Bellflower is found in the Himalayas to China, at altitudes of 3400-4500 m. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: D.S. Rawat Photographed in Uttarakashi district, Uttarakhand.

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