Minute Bladderwort is a small, annual, terrestrial
herb, with rizoids few to many, capillary, simple, 1 cm long,
Flower-racemes are 2-8 cm long, erect, hairless, reddish-brown 1-4
flowered. Bracts basifixed, narrowly ovate, pointed at tip; bracteoles
linear-ovate, ovate, 1-nerved, up to 0.8mm long, Bracts and bracteoles
not longer than the flower-stalk, flower-stalks up to 0.5 mm long,
Flowers are about 4 mm long, Sepals are nearly equal, 2.0-3.5 mm long,
ovate to obovate, hairless or rarely papillose. Flower 0.6-1.0 cm long,
violet, pink or white; upper lip narrowly oblong-elliptic to obovate,
lower lip narrowly 3-lobed, 1.3 x 2 mm, spur subulate, somewhat
pointed, straight, usually much longer than and parallel rounded or
notched at tip notched at tip, 2,5mm long, Stolons are few up to 2 cm
long, linear to narrowly oblong 3-6 x 0.3 mm., sparsely branched,
Foliar organs are up to 15 mm long, linear, 1- nerved, glandular and
round at base, rounded at tip. Leaves are few, linear, up to 3 cm long
and 0.8 mm wide, glandular or round at base, rounded at tip. Traps on
the vegetative organs are numerous, stalked, broadly ovoid, 0.2- 0.3 mm
long, mouth lateral, upper lip with a solitary multicellular subulate
appendage, lower lip with two, lateral, wing-like appendages of
radiating rows of gland-tipped processes. Minute Bladderwort is found
in S. Central Japan, Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Australia.
Flowering: September-December.
Identification credit: C. Rajasekar
Photographed in Narthamalai-Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu.
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