Mexican Fleabane is a perennial herb, often short-lived, native to Latin
America. It has become naturalized world over. Stems are 10–100 cm long,
caudices woody, usually simple, stems sometimes rooting adventitiously.
Stems are erect to sprawling. Often small leaf tufts arise in axils of
larger leaves. Stems are sparsely strigose to glabrate, eglandular. Stem
leaves are elliptic to obovate, mostly 1–4 cm long, 0.5–1.3 cm wide,
usually relatively even-sized along stems, margins entire or with 1–2
distal pairs of acute, mucronulate teeth or lobes. Leaf surfaces are
sparsely and loosely hairy. Flower-heads arise 1–5 together, usually from
branches distal to midstem. Involucres are 2.5–3.5 × 7–10 mm. Ray florets
are 45–80; corollas 5–8 mm, laminae not or slightly coiling, white,
sometimes drying pinkish. Disc florets are 2–3.1 mm. Mexican Fleabane is
usually found in moist, disturbed sites, shaded rock walls and cement
cracks. Flowering: April-November.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed in Munnar, Kerala & Ukhrul, Manipur.
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