Many-Stem Hawksbeard is a small perennial herb 8-60 cm
tall, with a rosette of leaves. Flowers are born in a corymb of a few
to several flower-heads. Flower-heads have 30-40 florets;
flower-cluster-stalk slender, often curved-erect, with dense white
arachnoid hairs and stiff greenish glandular hairs. Involucre is
cylindric, 7-9 x 3-5 mm. Outer phyllaries triangular-ovate to
lanceshaped, longest to 3 mm, tip pointed to blunt; inner phyllaries
8-10, tip pointed to blunt. Stems are few to numerous, rarely
solitary, rather slender, erect or curved-rising up, branched at tip,
usually leafless. Rosette leaves are narrowly elliptic-lanceshaped,
ovate-inverted-lanceshaped, elliptic, or spoon-shaped, 3.5-11 x 0.7-2
cm, undivided or pinnately divided, both surfaces short white
velvet-hairy, base narrowed into a leaf-stalk-like portion, margin
entire or sinuate-toothed.Seedpods are reddish brown, spindle-shaped,
straight or somewhat curved, about 4 mm, with 10-12 ribs. Pappus is
white, about 4 mm. Many-Stem Hawksbeard is found in N. Europe to
Siberia and W. Himalaya, Vietnam, at altitudes of 1600-3600 m.
Flowering: May-August.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Lahaul Valley, Himachal Pradesh.
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