Many-Leaved Whorlflower is a species of
Morina which is distinguished by its dense spike-like flower
cluster at the top, with linear-lanceshaped spreading bracts which
mostly conceal the flowers. Flowers are small, reddish, sometimes
white. Leaves occur many in whorls, up to a foot long, linear, pointed.
Margins are lobed and double-toothed. Stem is 20-30 cm long. Roots give
out an unpleasant smell when bruised. Many-Leaved Whorlflower is found
in the Himalayas, from Uttarakhand to Bhutan, at altitudes of 2600-4700
m. Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Narkanda, Himachal Pradesh.
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