Malabar Fingersop is a small tree, 5-9 m tall, bark
smooth, greyish, mottled with green, blaze dull yellow, young shoots
puberulous, branchlets slender.Leaves are simple, alternate,
distichous, estipulate; leaf-stalk 5-9 mm long, slender, velvet-hairy.
Leaves are 2.5-7 x 1.5-3 cm, elliptic ovate, ovate or ovate
lanceshaped; base blunt or rounded; tip tapering or caudate tapering;
margin entire, leathery, hairless and glossy above, slender, prominent,
pinnate, regular; intercostae netveined. Flowers are nearly stalkless,
in leaf-axils or at branch-ends, solitary, dull yellowish-green or
dirty white; sepals 3, 4-6 x 4-5 mm, ovate, woolly outside, hairless
inside, fused at base; petals 6 (3+3), 2.5-5 x 0.5-1.5 cm, outer
spreading, clawed, inner erect and smaller, oblong-lanceshaped or
ovate-lanceshaped, densely silky woolly; stamens numerous,
wedge-shaped, connective broad, concealing the anthers, capitate;
carpels many, stalkless or nearly stalkless, oblong, 2-2.5 mm long,
strigose; ovules 2-8 in one row, stigma capitate. Fruit is aggregate,
fruitlets 12 x 8 mm, obovoid, fulvous woolly, apiculate; seeds 1-3,
spherical, shiny. Malabar Fingersop is endemic to Western Ghats.
Flowering: All year.