Botanical name:Anisomeles malabaricaFamily:Lamiaceae (Mint family) Synonyms: Anisomeles salviifolia, Nepeta malabarica
Malabar Catmint is a shrubby herb, 0.5-1.5 m tall. Stems are tetragonous,
densely villous or woolly. Leaves are ovate to oblong, 3-8 cm x 1.5-3 cm,
densely woolly beneath, sparsely hirsute above, hairs 4-celled, petiole
0.5-2.5 cm long, softly woolly. Inflorescence is a single terminal spike,
calyx 8.5 mm x 6 mm, longest teeth 3-4 mm long, in fruit 8-10 mm long, teeth
hairy inside. Flower up to 1.8 cm long, lower lip about 12 mm x 4 mm, lilac
or pale blue, filaments almost at same level, about 8 mm long, style about
1.3 cm long. Nutlets are cylindrical, 1.3 mm x 0.9 mm.
Medicinal uses: The whole plant, especially the leaves and the roots are used as astringent, carminative, febrifuge and tonic.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed at Karighatta Hill, Karnataka.
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