Madwort is a herb up to 50 cm tall, with stem and
branches fistular, striped, rough with bristly retrorse hairs. Flowers
are blue, 2-4 mm long, slightly exceeding sepal-cup, scales opposite;
lobes, blunt; tube about 1.8 mm long, equalling or longer than limb.
Anthers are about 0.5 mm long ovate, style 0.5 mm, stigma subcapitate.
It is named
so because it was once believed to be a cure for madness. Flower-stalks
are 2-4 mm long. Sepal-cup is hairy, about 2.5 mm long, nodding in
fruit, divided into linear-lanceshaped sepals, nervose, accrescent,
saucer-like and up to 12 mm in fruit. Leaves are shortly stalked. Blade
is decurrent, 2.0-8.0 x 0.6-1.9 cm, including leaf-stalk,
inverted-lanceshaped to broad lanceshaped, pointed to blunt, hairy on
both surfaces with nearly appressed hairs up to 1.0 mm long, arising
from a swollen base. Nutlets are 2.5-3 mm long, laterally compressed,
ellitic-ovoid, minutely tubercled, brownish yellow to brown. Madwort is
found in Eurasia and the Himalayas, above altitudes of 2000 m.
Flowering: March-May.
Identification credit: Shakir Ahmad
Photographed in Kashmir & Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh.
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