Madurai Snakeherb
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Madurai Snakeherb
P Native Photo: C. Rajasekar
Common name: Madurai Snakeherb
Botanical name: Dyschoriste madurensis    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Dyschoriste littoralis

Madurai Snakeherb is an undershrub ith stem divaricately branched, hairless, yellowish-white. Leaves are obovate to obovate-oblong, 6-15 X 7 mm, rounded or notched, hairless, leaf-stalk up to 1.5 mm. Flowers arise solitary, nearly stalkless, sepal-tube slender, up to 8 mm long, ribbed, woolly, bristly outsie, lobes lanceshaped, up to 4 X 1 mm, ciliolate. Flowers are pale violet, tube up to 1.2-1.7 cm long, narrowed towards lower half, broadly expanded above, hairless, lobes ovate-oblong, prominently nerved; stamens inserted on flower throat, style protruding, bristly. Capsule is linear-club-shaped, up to 13 x 2 mm. adpressedly hirsutulous: seeds round Madurai Snakeherb is native to South India and Sri Lanka.

Identification credit: R. Kottaimuthu Photographed in Narathamalai - Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu.

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