Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper
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Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper
ative Photo: Gurcharan Singh
Common name: Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper
Botanical name: Campsis x tagliabuana    Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)

Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper is a large, vigorous and very exotic climber, with large clusters of 5 cm orange-red bell-shaped flowers in late summer and early autumn. 'Madame Galen' is the hardiest and most reliable kind. Leaflets are 7-11 (-13), hairless beneath. Sepal cup parted up to middle. Flowers are orange to scarlet, tube 2-3 times longer than sepal cup, limb 5-8 cm across. Sterile flowers fall off when mature, fruits not produced.

Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Kashmir.
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