Madagascar Bottle Tree is a deciduous tree that
usually grows 5-10 m tall, occasionally up to 18 m. The stem is swollen
to facilitate the storge of water and is usually mainly unbranched with
short branches near the top. Leaves are alternate, 2-3 times pinnate,
pinnae opposite. Flowers are borne in leaf-axil panicles, white or red,
hermaphrodite, zygomorphic. Sepal-tube is short, with 5 unequal
spreading or reflexed sepals, the fifth posticous, overlapping. Petals
are 5, the two upper smaller, the lateral ones rising up, the anticous
larger. Disk lining the sepal-cup-tube, with a short free margin.
Capsule long, beaked, 3-6-angled, torulose, 1-celled, 3-valved. The
tree is often harvested for local use as a medicine and source of oil.
The plant is often grown for its useful properties in Madagascar, where
it is native.