Lycopodium Prickly Thrift is a densely clustered
shrub; branches short, densely leafy, forming cushion-like clusters.
Flowers are pink to pinkish. Calyx is broadly funnel-shaped; tube
densely hispid, limb broad, white, 5-lobed to subtruncate; nerves
stopping near the margin of the limb. Spikelets are 3-6, arranged in
densely distichous terminal spike. Spikelets are 2-3-flowered,
4-5-bracteate. Outer bract oblong-lanceshaped, long-pointed, reddish;
first and second inner bracts oblong, longer than the outer bract;
other bracts small, almost hyaline. Leaves are plano-lanceshaped,
minutely rough-margined. Flowering stems are simple, shorter than the
leaves. Lycopodium Prickly Thrift is found in West Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Soviet Central Asia, Pamir Alai, W. and S. Pamir, and
Ladakh, at altitudes of 2500-3000 m. Flowering: July-September.
Medicinal uses: Plant ash with milk is believed to be useful in cardiac
disorders. The dried plant is considered an excellent fuel.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Phyang, Ladakh.
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