Long-Stamen Wendlandia is a small evergreen tree, bark reddish brown, branches and
branchlets grey tomentose. Leaves opposite, 6-20 x 2-10 cm, ovate-broadly
lanceshaped or lanceshaped, leathery, entire, pointed, grey velvety
beneath. Leaf stalk is 1.25-2.5 cm long. Stipules are semicircular or
ovate. Flowers are borne in pyramidal, 15-25 cm long and broad cluster at
the end of branches. Flower are white, fragrant, stalkless, bracteolate,
5 mm long, and broad. Sepal cup is 2.5 mm long, densely velvety, round.
Sepals are 5, 5 mm long, blunt, more or less triangular. Flowers are
bell-shaped, with a short tube, 1.5 mm long. Petals are 5, oblong, rounded
or obtuse. Stamen filaments are as long as the anthers. Style is deeply
divided into two. Capsule is 2.5 mm long, grey velvety. Long-Stamen Wendlandia grows in
sub-Himalayan tracts, ascending upto 1200 m. It is also found in Central
India and north of the Deccan. The wood is very durable and resistant
against white ants. Flowering: March-April.