Long-Leaf Dayflower is a slender prostrate herb.
Leaves are alternate, 5-10 x 0.5-1 cm, tapering at tip, narrowed at
base; sheath 1-2.5 cm long. Spathe 1-1.5 x 1.5-2 cm, broadly ovate,
pointed at tip, fused at base. Branches of cymes equal, both 1-2
flowered. Flowers are blue, 5-6 mm across. Sepals ovate, petals ovate,
wavy-entire. Capsule is 4-5 mm, broadly ovoid. Seeds are smooth, flat
at one end. Long-Leaf Dayflower is found in India to S. China and Jawa.
Flowering: October-March.
Identification credit: Surajit Koley
Photographed in Hooghly, West Bengal.
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