Little Tree Plant
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Little Tree Plant
ative Photo: Surajit Koley
Common name: Little Tree Plant, Sensitive plant, Sikerpud • Hindi: लजालू Lajalu • Marathi: झरेरा Jharera, लाजवंती Lajvanti • Tamil: Tintanali • Malayalam: മുക്കുട്ടീ Mukkutti • Telugu: Pulicenta • Bengali: ঝলৈ Jhalai • Sanskrit: पंक्तिपत्र Panktipatra, झुल्लिपुष्प Jhullipuspa
Botanical name: Biophytum nervifolium    Family: Oxalidaceae (Wood sorrel family)
Synonyms: Biophytum sensitivum var. nervifolium

Little Tree Plant is an annual herb with stem very short, erect, unbranched. Leaves are many, forming a crowded rosette, almost on ground; leaflets 8-12 pairs, generally overlapping, at branch-ends one the largest, broadly oblong, apiculate at tip, hairless, paler beneath; lateral nerves very prominent. Flower-cluster-stalks are stiff with appressed hairs. Flowers are borne in dense umbels, crowded; flower-stalks shorter than sepals; bracts hairy. Sepals are linear-lanceshaped, rounded at base, tapering at tip, 4.5-5 x 0.6-0.8 mm, hyaline at margin; nerves 7, prominent, parallel. Petals inverted-lanceshaped, narrowed at base, entire at margin, rounded at tip, 6-7 x 0.7-1 mm, with a distinct red midnerve. Ovary 2.5-3 mm long; styles hairy; stigma papillose. Capsules ovoid, 3-3.5 x 2.5-3 mm, shorter than sepals; seeds 0.9-1 x 0.6-0.8 mm, strongly and transversely 6-ribbed, not tubercled. Little Tree Plant is native to South India, Sri Lanka. Flowering: August-January.

Identification credit: E S Santhosh Kumar Photographed in Hoogley, West Bengal.

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