Lime fruit is similar to lemon, but has a thinner
skin, which turns yellow on ripening. Lime is a shrubby tree, to 5 m, with
many thorns. Dwarf varieties are popular with home growers. The trunk
rarely grows straight, with many branches that often originate quite far
down on the trunk. The leaves are ovate 1–3.5 in long, resembling orange
leaves (the scientific name aurantiifolia refers to this resemblance to the
leaves of the orange, C. aurantium). The flowers are 1 in in diameter, are
yellowish white with a light purple tinge on the margins. Flowers and fruit
appear throughout the year but are most abundant from May to September.
Lime have an odour similar to lemon, but more
fresh. The juice is as sour as lemon juice, but more aromatic. The english
name lime originated from Arabic limun and Persian limou.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed in Thane, Maharashtra & Mysore, Karnataka.
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