Lemon Clematis
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Lemon Clematis
ative Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Lemon Clematis, Fragrant Chinese Clematis • Chinese: 毛木通 Mao Mu Tong • Nepali: जुंगे लहरा Junge Laharaa, भेडे लहरा Bhede Laharaa, बाघ जुंगे Baagh Junge, चर्चरे Charchare, घन्टे फूल GhantePhool, खुर्सानी लहरा Khursaani Laharaa, पहेंलो जुंगे Pahelo Junge • Mizo: Rairah-mittui-tla
Botanical name: Clematis buchananiana    Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Synonyms: Clematis buchananii, Clematis wattii

Lemon Clematis is a woody vine with branches shallowly 8-10-grooved, densely yellowish velvety. Leaves are compound, carried on 4.5-9 cm long stalks. Leaflet blades are broadly ovate, ovate, or elliptic, 4-11 cm long, 4-10 cm wide, papery, undivided or 3-lobed, abaxially densely or rarely sparsely pubescent, adaxially sparsely appressed pubescent, base somewhat heart-shaped to rounded, margin toothed, tip pointed to tapering. Flowers are borne in cymes in leaf axils, usually many flowered, paniclelike; peduncle 2-20 cm. Bracts are leaf-like or simple, ovate to lanceolate. Flowers are 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, flower-stalk 1-3.5 cm, densely yellowish puberulous. Sepals are 4, yellow, erect, lanceolate-oblong to narrowly oblong, 2-3 cm long, 0.5-0.9 cm wide, abaxially densely appressed puberulous and apically sometimes slightly emarginate, adaxially sparsely pubescent apically from middle, apex acute to rounded and often recurved. Stamens are about 1 cm, anthers narrowly oblong to linear, 2.6-5 mm, glabrous, tip obtuse. Style is 1.3-1.5 cm, densely villous. Lemon Clematis is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to NE, Assam, N. Burma, Indo-China, W. China, at altitudes of 1800-3300 m.
Medicinal uses: A paste of the roots is used as a poultice to treat swellings caused by inflammation. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers. The juice is also inhaled to get rid of coughs and colds. A paste of the stem or root bark is kept pressed against the teeth for about 15 minutes to relieve toothache. The juice of the plant is applied externally to cuts and wounds. It is also taken internally in the treatment of indigestion.

Identification credit: Prashant Awale, Gurcharan Singh Photographed in Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand & GHNP, Himachal Pradesh.

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