Leafless East-Indian Vine is a climber with stems
up to 2 m long,, twining, green or gray, hairless. Flower cymes are
borne at branch ends or in axils, 6-15-flowered, about 1 × 2 cm,
carried on 3-5 mm long stalks. Sepals are ovate, about 1 mm, margin
translucent. Flowers are white or yellowish, petals ovate-oblong or
oblong-lanceshaped, about 3 × 1 mm, hairless. Outer corona is
shallowly cupular, inner lobes obtuse, slightly shorter than or as long
as anthers. Seed-pods are lanceshaped in outline, round in
cross-secion. about 15 × 1 cm. Seeds are broadly ovate, about 3 × 2
mm. Leafless East-Indian Vine is found in seashore thickets in India,
Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and China.
Flowering: March-November.
Medicinal uses:
In Siddha medicine system, this plant is used in treatment of
respiratory ailments like mild bronchospasms,allergic rhinitis,
sinusitis, coryza or common cold.
Identification credit: N. Arun Kumar
Photographed in Karnataka.
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