Lax-Flowered Peristylus is a terrestrial herb, growingto
15-45 cm tall. The plant has 1-2 tubers and brownish white, sheathed,
cylindrical stem.Leaves, 3-4 in number, are clustered in the middle of
the stem. Flowers occur in a lax spike 5-15 cm long. The stalk of the
spike is 4-7 cm long. White flowers are stalkless, with 3 petals to 4
mm long. The lip is 3-lobed, white, and the little spur is stubby. The
plant appears above the ground only during the rainy season from April
to September. Lax-Flowered Peristylus is found in the western Himalayas,
Western Ghats, Nepal and Myanamar at elevations up to 1000 m.
Flowering: July-August.
Identification credit: Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Photographed near Murbad, Maharashtra,
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