Botanical name:Vigna vexillata var. wightiiFamily:Fabaceae (Pea family)
Kerala Zombi Pea is a velvet-hairy climber. Leaves are
trifoliate with the end leaflet up to 8.5 x 6 cm, lateral ones up to 7
x 4.5 cm, ovate, tip blunt, with a short sharp point, base rounded,
oblique at the base, puberulus above, densely silky velvet-hairy below;
leaf-stalk to 7 cm, leaflet-stalk 0.5 cm, woolly, stipule 5 mm, ovate,
stipel linear. Flowers are light purple, 2.5 cm long; bracts 2 mm,
flower-stalks 2 mm; sepal-cup 6 mm, bell-shaped, sepals 6 mm, unequal,
fringed with hairs; standard petal round, clawed; keel united; staminal
tube 1.5 cm, filaments 1 cm; style 2 cm, bearded, stigma oblique.
Flowers are borne in racemes in leaf-axils, up to 10 cm, 2-4 flowered.
Pods are 13 x 0.8 cm, round, hairy, tapering at the tip; seeds 6 x 4
mm, black. Kerala Zombi Pea is endemic to Sother Western Ghats.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Vagamon, Kerala.
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