Keeled Eria is a miniature to small sized,
rock-dwelling and occasional tree-dwelling orchid, with a stout or
slender rhizome carrying ovoid-oblong, grooved pseudobulbs carrying a
single, apical, elliptic-oblong, pointed, thickly leathery, stoutly
stalked leaf. The plant blooms in the fall and early winter on an in
leaf-axils, 15-30 cm long, 4 to 5 flowered inflorescence with
overlapping, basal, sword shaped sheaths and linear-lanceshaped,
equitant floral bracts, and carrying fragrant flowers. Flowers are
about 2 cm across, equaling the bracts in length. Sepals, petals and
column are light yellowish-green, the seapls with a varnished
appearance. Lip is deep dull yellow above, dull flesh-colored below,
with dull crimson veins on side lobes, and less distinctly so on the
central lobe.Sepals are lanceshaped, pointed, 2.5 cm long, strongly
keeled outside, the lateral pair being narrowly winged above. Petals
are ovate-lanceshaped, pointed, lip linear-oblong, blunt, with 3 blunt
keels on the lower half. Column has two short wings above. Bracts are
lanecshaped, pointed, sharply keeled above, about 4 cm long, light
green, ovary sharply keeled. Keeled Eria is found in Central Nepal to
East Himalaya, Malaya, Thailand, Vietnam.
Identification credit: Jambey Tsering
Photographed in Sessa, West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh.
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