Karmal is a large deciduous tree grows up to 40 meters in height. Leaves
are large, 1-2 ft, alternate, ovate-rhomboid, obtuse or acute. Flowers
yellowish, fragrant, 2-3 cm across, arise from the nodes of fallen leaves,
on panicles. Fruits 2.5 cm in diameter, globose contain single seed.
The flower-buds and young fruits have a pleasant, acid flavor and are
eaten raw or cooked in Oudh and central India. The ripe fruits are also
eaten.Dillenia, named in honour of J. J. Dillenius (1684-1747), a noted
botanist. Pentagyna in allusion to the flower having five styles.
Flowering: March-May.
Medicinal uses: According to Ayurveda, the plant pacifies
vitiated vata, kapha, anal fistula, wounds, diabetes, diabetic carbuncle,
neuritis, pleurisy, pneumonia, and burning sensation.
Identification credit: OIKOS
Photographed at Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu.
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