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D Introduced Photo: Gurcharan Singh
Common name: Jujube, Red date, Chinese date • Hindi: बड़ा बेर Bada ber • Kannada: ಬೊಗರೆ Bogare, ಬೊಗರಿ Bogari, ಬೋರೆ Bore, ಎರ Era, ಎಲಚಿ Elachi • Kashmiri: Singli, Baryan, Unnab • Malayalam: Badaram • Marathi: Baher, Ber • Sanskrit: बदरः Badara, कुवलः Kuval, कोलः Kol • Tamil: Arulatotikacceti, Arulatotiyam • Telugu: Badari, Ganga regi
Botanical name: Ziziphus jujuba    Family: Rhamnaceae (Ber family)
Synonyms: Rhamnus zizyphus, Ziziphus chinensis, Ziziphus vulgaris, Ziziphus sativa

Jujube is a small deciduous tree or shrub reaching a height of 5-12 m, usually with thorny branches. The leaves are shiny-green, ovate-pointed, 2-7 cm long and 1-3 cm wide, with three prominent veins at the base, and a finely toothed margin. The flowers are small, 5 mm wide, with five inprominent yellowish-green petals. The fruit is an edible oval drupe 1.5-3 cm deep; when immature it is smooth-green, with the consistency and taste of an apple with lower acidity, maturing brown to purplish-black, and eventually wrinkled, looking like a small date. There is a single hard kernel, similar to an olive pit, containing two seeds. Jujube is native to China, Mongolia and Korea, widely cultivated in India.

Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh Photographed in Srinagar, Kashmir.

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