Java Ryparosa Tree is an evergreen tree, about 5-20 m
tall. Trunk is buttressed or bumpy when old, bark grayish brown or pale
brown, smooth. Young shoots and branchlets are striped, warty, brownish
appressed finely velvet-hairy. Leaves are simple, alternate, variable,
lanceshaped-ovate to obovate-oblong, about 12-30 x 7.5-20 cm across,
base wedge-shaped to blunt, margin entire or curled, tip pointed to
shallow tapering, papery, dark green, shining and hairless above, paler
beneath, lateral veins 6-7, on either side of the midrib. Leaf-stalk
is slender, about 1.5-6 cm long. Flowers are unisexual - Male flowers
are pale yellow, about 4-5 mm across, solitary or 2-3 in racemes, with
rusty-woolly flower-cluster-stalks, about 8-30 cm long, flower-stalks
ferrous woolly about 2-3 mm long, sepal-cup rusty woolly when young,
ovate-spherical, tip tapering, about 2-2.5 mm long, petals 4-9,
overlapping, lanceshaped-ovate, slightly fused at the base, hairless
inside, densely brownish velvet-hairy outside, about 3-3.5 x 1.5-2 mm
long, epipetalous scales about 1.5 mm long. Stamens are fused in a
column, staminal tube about 3.5 mm long. Female flowers arise solitary
or 2-4 in much shorter in leaf-axils racemes, sepal-cup and petals
similar to male flowers but bigger. Fruit is a berry, almost
spherical-oblong, about 1.5 x 2.5 cm across, warty. Java Ryparosa Tree
is native to Andaman Islands to W. Malesia, New Guinea to N.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Baratang, Andaman.
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