Jaunsar Barberry is a shrub mostly found around
Mussoorie region. It is named for Jaunsar hills in that area. Yellow
flowers are borne in racemes 7-14 cm long, in 5 fascicles; bracts 1.5
cm long; flower-stalks 5-7 mm long; floral bracts 2-3.5 mm. Leaves are
obovate, up to 28 x 13 cm; leafletes 5-7 pairs, broadly ovate to
lanceshaped, broadly wedge-shaped at base, rounded or subflat at tip, 3
- 5 spiny-toothed along margins, 3.5-7 x about 3.5 cm, slightly
lustrous above, with somewhat elevated and somewhat netveined on both
sides. Last leaflet is about 9 x 4 cm with 1.5-2 cm long leaf-stalk.
Berries are ovoid, 8 x 5 mm, powdery, blue. Jaunsar Barberry is endemic
to Uttarakhand. it is common in moist places in Oak forests near
Chakrata and Mussoorie, at about 2000 m elevation. Flowering:
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand.
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