Indo-China Paddle-Pod is a climbing shrub or liana up to
15 m long. Young branchlets are green, 4-angled. Leaves are opposite,
obovate, oblong to broadly elliptic, rounded or slightly notched at the
tip, venation prominent; margins entire or sawtoothed, often rolled
under, extending along the leaf-stalk. Flowers in clusters in
leaf-axils and at branch-ends, green, flower-cluster-stalk 5-15 mm
long. Flowers are bisexual, regular, urn-shaped or flattened, 1-1.4 cm
in diameter, green; flower-stalk 1-2.5 mm long; sepals 5, almost equal,
ovate to semiround, with ciliolate margin; petals are 5, free,
triangular, 4-5 mm x 2 mm, free or attached to the disk, hairless or
short hairy on the outside; disk a basal cup with androgynophore of
about 6 mm long; stamens 3, fused to base of the disk, filaments white,
anthers orange-red. pollen and stigma prominently orange to red. Fruit
consists of 1-3 paddle-shaped pods, smooth or slightly striped. Indo-China
Paddle-Pod is found in India to Indo-China.
Identification credit: Navendu Pagé
Photographed in near Jog Falls, Karnataka.
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