Indian Mangrove is an evergreen tree, sometimes to
25 m, trunk to 1 m in diameter. Numerous upright air-filled roots rise
above soil from long shallow, horizontal roots. Bark brownish-gray,
thin, becoming rough and blackish, or outer bark yellowish-green and
inner bark whitish. oppositely arranged obovate or broadly oblong
leaves are 4-12 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, rounded at tip, acute or rounded
at base, thick, leathery, edges slightly rolled under. The upper leaf
surface is shiny green and hairless, underneath with fine gray-green
hairs and resin dots. Cymes headlike in panicles, upright near ends of
twigs, to 15 cm long and wide. Flowers many 2-12 together, stalkless,
7-10 mm long, 12-15 mm across. Flowers are bell-shaped, tubular, yellow
or yellow-brown, turning orange, with 4 unequal spreading petals,
stamens 4, inserted in notches of corolla tube. Ovary is conical,
hairy, imperfectly 4-celled with 4 ovules. Capsule broadly ovoid,
flattened, 2.5 cm long. Seed 1, large, flattened, without seed coat,
germinating in water.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
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