Indian Heynea
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Indian Heynea
ative Photo: Amit Kumar
Common name: Indian Heynea • Assamese: Thengare-arong • Cachari: Rolang-phang, Rathang-phang • Kannada: ಕೊರ Kora, ಲಿಂಬಾರ Limbara, ಲಿಮಬೀರ Limabira, ಸಣ್ಣಕೈಂಕ Sanna kainka • Malayalam: Korakadi, Korakkadi, Kurukkati • Marathi: Limbara, Tusal • Nepali: आँखातरुवा Aankhaa Taruwa, सिंगमूर Singamur, कोमल सिउली Komal Siuli, आँख तारे Aankh Taare • Tamil: Chentanai, Chentarai, Karai, Karaivilanku
Botanical name: Heynea trijuga    Family: Meliaceae (Neem family)
Synonyms: Trichilia connaroides, Walsura trijuga, Heynea connaroides

Indian Heynea is a small tree with rough reddish-brown bark, with depressed lenticels. Leaves are compound, 4-15 in long, with opposite leaflets, 4 pairs, 2-6 inches long, pale and often softly velvety beneath. Flowers are small, white, bisexual in axillary corymbose panicles peduncle as long as leaf. Calyx short, 4-5 fid. Petals are 4-5 oblong; staminal tube 8 or 10 fid. Ovary 2-3 celled ovules, 2 in each cell. Capsule 1.2-1.6 cm in diameter, valves 2, broad, obtuse, seed enclosed in a thin white arillus, testa orange, brown afterwards. Indian Heynea is found in the Himalayas, Nepal to Bhutan, N. India, Burma, east to China, Malaysia, at altitudes of 700-2400 m. Flowering: April-June.

Identification credit: Amit Kumar Photographed in Forest Research Institute, Dehradun & Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand.

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