Indian Cornflower is an annual herb, 1-3 ft tall,
erect; branches ribbed, simple below, corymbose above. Leaves are
linear-obovate or subspoon-shaped, toothed at margins, narrowed at
base, 5-10 cm long, half-stem-clasping, stalkless. Flower-heads are
narrow, fascicled in compound corymbs, 1.2-1.6 cm across, stalked.
Flowers are rose-purple, about 5 mm long. Indian Cornflower is
ocasionally found in cultivated lands, often gregarious on black soil.
It occurs in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, W. Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and
Maharashtra. Flowering: January-March.
Identification credit: Rakesh Singh
Photographed in Surat, Gujarat.
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