Indian Chestnut Vine is a climber which is hairless
except the inflorescence. Stems are sometimes boldly tuberculate.
Leaves are usually 3-foliolate, sometimes pedately 5-foliolate; common
petiole 2-5 inches long. Leaflets are softly leathery, oblong to
elliptic-oblong, tapering to each end, sometimes obovate-oblong, always
shortly caudate-acuminate and the edges with remote shallow teeth; main
nerves 6 to 10 pairs, spreading, slightly winged on the lower surface,
length 4.5-6 inches, breadth 1.75-2.75 inches, petiolules 0.4-0.75
inches. Flowers are borne in cymes in leaf axils, hairy, spreading,
about 1.5 inches across, on peduncles shorter than themselves.
Tendrils are rather short, forked. Flowers are 4-merous, the stigma
4-lobed. Fruit globose-ovoid, as large as a cherry, white when ripe,
pulpy, 1- or 2-seeded; the seeds compressed, concave on one surface,
rugulose. Indian Chestnut Vine is found in Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Nepal, Sri Lanka and
SE Asia.