Indian Bean Tree is a medium-sized deciduous tree
growing up to 15-18 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m diameter, with brown
to gray bark, maturing into hard plates or ridges. The short thick
trunk supports long and straggling branches which form a broad and
irregular head. The roots are fibrous and branches are brittle. Its
juices are watery and bitter. The leaves are large and heart shaped,
being 20-30 cm long and 15-20 cm broad. The flowers are 2.5-4 cm
across, trumpet shaped, white with yellow spots inside; they grow in
panicles of 20-40. Flowers are white, spotted with purple and gold, and
some of these spots are arranged in lines along a ridge, so as to lead
directly to the honey inside. A single flower when fully expanded is
two inches long and an inch and a half wide. It is two-lipped and the
lips are lobed, two lobes above and three below, as is not uncommon
with such flowers. The fruit is a long, thin bean like pod 20-40 cm
long and 8-10 mm diameter; it often stays attached to tree during
winter. The pod contains numerous flat light brown seeds with two
papery wings. Indian Bean Tree is native to the United States,
cultivated elsewhere.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Srinagar, Kashmir.
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