Indian Atalantia
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Indian Atalantia
D Native Photo: Tabish
Common name: Indian Atalantia, Nilgiri Atalantia,Wild Orange, Wild lime tree • Kannada: Adavi limbe, Adavi nimbe • Malayalam: Katnaranjee, Kattukurunnu, Kattukurunta • Manipuri: ꯆꯤꯡ ꯀꯥꯝꯂꯥ Ching-kamla, ꯕꯟꯀꯥꯝꯂꯥ Bankamla • Marathi: माकड़लिम्बु Maakadlimbu, मकड़लिम्बु Makadlimbu • Mizo: Ramser • Sanskrit: Atavi-jambira • Tamil: Anakamitam, Iyachakurinji, • Telugu: Adavi nimma, Adavimunugudu
Botanical name: Atalantia monophylla    Family: Rutaceae (Citrus family)
Synonyms: Atalantia floribunda, Atalantia malabarica, Limonia spinosa

Indian Atalantia is a small, much-branched tree with rounded twigs usually slightly hairy at first, becoming hairless, with single, stout, sharp spines, 1-1.5 or 2 cm long, or unarmed. Leaves are bright green above, paler and reticulate-veined below, ovate-lanceshaped or elliptical, variable in size, 3-15 X 2-4 cm (usually 4-8 X 2.5-3.5 cm), margins entire or slightly wavy, tips obtusely rounded, often notched, bases broadly wedge-shaped, jointed with the wingless petioles that are 5-10 mm long and 1.5-2 mm wide. Veins are strongly marked on the under surface, 10-14 on each side, branched, forming a network of veins and also forked near the margins. Flowers are long-stalked in short racemes or clusters in the axils of the leaves, with stalks 0.6-1.5 cm long, finely pubescent or glabrous, merging into the calyx. Sepal cup is more or less irregularly and deeply 2-cleft. Flowers have parts in 4s or 5s, petals white, hairless, bluntly rounded at the tip, 0.8-1 cm long. Stamens are 8-10, united into a tube 6-8 mm long with the anthers borne on the free tips of the filaments. Pistil is slender, 6-7 X 1 mm, ending in an abruptly expanded, 3-4-lobed stigma, 1.2-1.5 mm diam.; style caducous; fruits globose, 1.5-2 cm diam., yellowish-green when ripe. Indian Atalantia is native to Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam.
Medicinal uses: A 'warm' oil obtained from the fruit is used in the treatment of chronic rheumatism. This almost certainly is an essential oil. An oil of a pleasant odour is obtained from the fruit and used in the treatment of chronic rheumatism.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Lodhi Garden, Delhi & Lalbagh, Bangalore.

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