Indian Alectra is an annual herb, 10-50 cm tall.
Flowers are borne in racemes which are lax below, dense towards the
end. Flowers are yellow, about 6-8 mm; tube broadly bell-shaped; lobes
nearly round, spreading; lower lobe slightly larger than other 4.
Stamens inserted near base of flower tube; filaments of 2 anterior
stamens with long multicellular glandular hairs. Stigma glandular
velutinous. Stems are basally woody, simple or few branched, hairy.
Sepal-cup is about 5 mm, membranous, barbate; sepals triangular, nearly
as long as tube. Bracteoles are linear-oblong, narrow, longer to
slightly shorter than sepal-cup, hairy. Leaves are stalkless or nearly
stalkless; leaf blade broadly ovate to ovate-lanceshaped, 2-3 cm,
papery, densely short hairy, above sometimes bristly when mature, base
wedge-shaped, margin with 2-6 pairs of coarse triangular teeth, tip
blunt to tapering. Seeds are round, to 1 mm; seed coat netveined.
Indian Alectra is found in grasslands on mountain slopes, sparse
forests, at altitudes of 700-2100 m, in East Himalaya, NE India to SE
Asia and China. Flowering: August-November.
Identification credit: Saroj Kasaju
Photographed near Reiek Peak, Ailawng, Mizoram.
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