Botanical name:Anemone x hybridaFamily:Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Hybrid Anemone is an erect perennial herb, with
stems 0.5-1.5 m long, and a woody rootstock. There are about 30 cultivars of
A. x hybrida, but only a few are common in the trade. One of the most
popular is ‘Honorine Jobert' with large, pristine white flowers on stems over
1 m tall. ‘Andrea Atkinson' is quite similar but shorter, about 75-90 cm.
Sepals (which look like petals) are 5-20, white.
Stamens are 4-6 mm long, with threadlike filaments and ellipsoid anthers.
Pistils are more than 180, long
stipitate, about 1.5 mm. Ovary is velvety, stigma rectangular.
Flowering: July-October.