Hungarian Black Chilli is originally from Hungary
where they are used in the various local dishes that need the flavour
of chilli but not the hotness. The heat level of this chilli is not too
hot. Will do well in salads, great in Hungarian Goulash dish or any
Asian rice dish, which needs some nice red colour for the looks and not
too much heat. Black Hungarian is a vigorous, upright, annual or
short-lived perennial with wide, lance-shaped, often purple-veined,
mid-green leaves. The plant produces beautiful purple flowers and the
chilli pods go from black to dark red over time. The full ripen pods
look like the Jalapeno pods. When fully grown the Hungarian Black
Chilli can grow up to 50-80 cm high and fruiting season lasts 4-6
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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