Himalayan Wayfaring Tree is a spreading shrub growing up to 3 m, found
high in the Himalayas. Flowers are 6-8 mm
long, borne in stalked, corymb-like cymes; branches of inflorescence woody.
Bracts are 5-6 mm long, linear, narrow. Flowers are white, shortly bell-shaped;
tube 5.5 mm long. Stamen filaments are unequal, 3 attached above, 2 below near
the base of flower tube. The flowers are followed by bright scarlet berries,
8-9 mm long, oblong, compressed. Ripe fruit is eaten, it is sweetish.
Leaves are 5-12 x 3-6 cm, ovate or round, entire, rounded toothed or wavy,
lateral nerves 5-6 pairs, obliquely bifurcating halfway between midrib and
edge of leaf, prominent beneath; leaf-stalk 1-2.5 cm long.
Leaves are white-woolly beneath.
Himalayan Wayfaring Tree is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to
Bhutan, at altitudes of 2100-3600 m. Flowering: March-May.