Himalayan Valerian is a herb 11-38 cm tall,
characterized by compact heads of pink flowers atop upright stem.
Rootstock has slender roots. Flowering stems are solitary or 2-3,
hairless, channelled. Nodes are minutely hairy. Basal leaves are entire
or somewhat toothed, oblong to round, 1-2.5 cm x 0.8-1.6 cm; nerves
prominent; stalk up to 6.5 cm long. Lower stem leaves are pinnately cut
with 1-3 lateral lobes, the terminal one largest, ovate-oblong to
elliptic-ovate, entire or slightly toothed. The uppermost stem-leaves
have narrower segments. Flowers are borne in dichotomous corymbs or
compact heads, pink or white. Upper bracts are lanceshaped, about 4 mm
long, pointed or blunt. Ovary is hairless, stigma 2-3-fid. Seedpods are
2.5-3 mm long, hairless, shorter than the upper bracts. Himalayan
Valerian is fairly common in marshy or moist places, also in shade,
among rocks or meadows in Western Himalayas. from 3500-5000 m.
Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed enroute to Hemkund, Uttarakhand.
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