Himalayan Tree Hydrangea is a large shrub or a small tree, growing up to 7
m tall. Branchlets and leaf stalks are densely yellow-brown because of the
hairs covering them. Leaf stalks are thick, 3-15 cm long. Leaves are
elliptic, broadly so, or oblong-ovate to broadly ovate, 9-35 cm long, 5-22
cm wide, papery. Flowers are borne in corymb-like clusters which are lax,
long, up to 30 cm wide in fruit. Sterile flowers with 4 large sepals are
purplish to white, broadly ovate, circular 1.2-3.8 cm long and 1.3-3.5 cm,
margin entire or toothed. Fertile flowers are smaller, with sepal tube
1-1.5 mm. Sepals are ovate-triangular, 0.5-1 mm. Petals are purple, ovate-
lanceshaped, 2-3 mm. Himalayan Tree Hydrangea occurs in Eastern Himalayas
Uttarakhand to NE India, E. Tibet, N. Burma, and S. China, at altitudes of
200-2500 m. Flowering: July-October.
Identification credit: K. Haridasan
Photographed in Upper Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh.
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