Himalayan Christolea is a perennial herb 4-20 cm tall,
nearly hairless or densely hairy throughout. Stems are simple, hairy or
hairless. Basal leaves are not fleshy, hairy or hairless, persistent;
leaf-stalk 0.4-1.6 cm, not fringed with hairs; leaf blade broadly
obovate or spoon-shaped, 4-14 x 3-9 mm, base wedge-shaped or narrowed,
margin 3-5-toothed, tip pointed. Stem leaves similar to basal, or
linear to lanceshaped, 5-17 x 1-4 mm, often entire, shortly stalked or
nearly stalkless. Flowers are borne in 6-25-flowered racmes, bracteate
throughout; bracts similar to stem leaves but smaller, sometimes adnate
to flower-stalk. Petals are purple or lilac with yellowish center,
broadly spoon-shaped, 6.5-8 x 3-4 mm, tip somewhat notched; claw 3-4
mm. Filaments are white, slightly dilated at base, median pairs 3-4 mm,
lateral pair 2-4 mm. Sepals are free, oblong, 3-4 x 1.2-1.5 mm, falling
off, hairy. Fruit is lanceshaped to lanceshaped-linear, 2-3.5 cm x 4-6
mm, strongly flattened. Himalayan Christolea is found on open hills,
sandstone scree, at altitudes of 4300-5700 m, N. Pakistan to Qinghai
and Himalaya. Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Tabish, Jasmine Star
Photographed in Kargil, Ladakh.
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