Himalayan Cherry is a small tree with hairy young
shoots, noticeable by its peeling shiny purplish bark, and solitary or
clustered white, or sometimes pink, flowers with small rounded petals
little longer than the calyx. Sepal tube is about 1.2 cm long, swollen
at base, with triangular sepals. Leaves are elliptic-lanceshaped,
sharply toothed, hairy except on the leaf-stalk and veins on the
underside, mostly 5-8 cm long. The cherry is ellipsoid, borne on stout
stalks, red to black. Himalayan Cherry is found in Eastern Himalayas,
from W Nepal to Sikkim, SE Tibet and Burma, at altitudes of 3000-3800
m. Flowering: May-June.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in North Sikkim.
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