Hawk Weed is an annual to perennial herb, 7-140 cm
tall, with sparse to dense simple and 2-fid hooked hairs, stems
few-branched. Leaves are few, stalked below, stalkless above, linear to
narrow-ovate or inverted-lanceshaped, up to 40 cm long, 3.5 cm wide,
blunt to pointed, entire to toothed. Flower-stalks have up to 6 bracts
below the head. Flower-heads are 3-10 mm diameter, yellow, in loose
terminal corymbs, involucral bracts with lines of simple and 2-fid
hooked hairs, ligules 7-19 mm long, ligules 7-19 mm long. Seed to 11mm
has a beak 2-7mm long.
Identification credit: Krishan Lal, Edgar Heim
Photographed in Sirmaur Distt, Himachal Pradesh.
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