Hairy Bugloss is a hairy annual herb with stems up to
35 cm long, prostrate to erect, branched, hairy; hairs up to 2 mm long,
arising from a swollen base. Flowers are purplish blue to blue, 2.5-3
mm long; calyx tube length, longer than the limb, throat vinous. Leaves
are hairy on both surfaces. Basal leaves are 0.4-10 cm x 9-11 mm,
inverted-lanceshaped, wavy. Stem leaves are stalkless, shorter and
narrower. Calyx is retrorsely hairy, deeply divided into blunt sepals.
Nutlets are 3-4 mm broad, transversely ovoid, brown,
rugulose-tuberculate. Hairy Bugloss is found in N. Africa, Arabia,
Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India. It is found in the
Himalayas, up to altitudes of 2300 m. Flowering: March-May.
Identification credit: Varinder Kumar
Photographed in Faridkot, Punjab.
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