Hairless Tritaxis is a small tree, growing up to 8 m tall. Bark is greyish, covered
with minute pores. Branchlets are round, hairless. Leaves are alternately
or spirally arranged. Stipules are triangular, caducous. Leaf stalk is
0.6-2 cm long. Leaves are 6-18 cm long, 2.3-9 cm broad, narrow elliptic to
lance-shaped, with a pointed or long pointed tip. Margin is wavy or
distantly obscurely toothed with marginal glands at the teeth, leathery,
glabrous. Flowers are unisexual - male flowers are white, in cymes; female
flower are solitary or 2-3 together, leaf opposed or at the end of
branches. Capsule is round, hairy, 3-lobed, with 4-5 oblong-lanceolate
unequal sepals. Hairless Tritaxis is found in South India and Sri Lanka.