Greyish Hibiscus a shrubs with branchlets woolly.
Leaves are 12-17 x 6-12 cm, broadly ovate, broadly rounded toothed, tip
minutely apiculate, upper surface sparsely hairy, woolly below, basally
7-nerved; leaf-stalk up to 12 cm, hairy, stipules linear, cauducous,
1.5-2 cm. Flowers are borne in leaf-axils, singly. Bracteoles are 5,
2.5 cm, lanceshaped, velvet-hairy; sepals 1.5 cm; petals 6.5 x 3.5 cm,
obovate, yellow, base inside purple; staminal tube shorter than flower.
Capsules are 3 x 4 cm, hairy. Greyish Hibiscus is found in South Asia
and Africa. In India it is basically found in Peninsular India.
Flowering: January-February.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in KMTR, Tamil Nadu.
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