This has to be one of the most unusual roses in existence.
Supposedly in
cultivation since 1743, it was introduced into popular culture in 1856 by a
British firm, Bembridge and Harrison. It is believed to be the result of a chance mutation. The strange blooms are made up
entirely of sepals rather than petals. It forms a small, tidy bush of about
3 feet in height. It is not hardy in very cold climates. Foliage is a
bright clear green with a hint of red in young leaves, and quite disease
free. However, one can walk by this plant without even noticing that it is
in bloom, because unlike most roses know for their fascinating color, this
flower mingles with the foliage. The flowers are apple green, shading to an
attractive bronze in cool weather, with an unroselike tufted shape and a
spicy, peppery fragrance.
Identification credit: Thingnam Sophia
Photographed in Mumbai.
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