Grass-Leaved Saw-Wort is a perennial herb with one
or many stout, woolly stems, growing to 6-15 cm tall. The root stalk
is covered with old leaf-bases. Leaves are grass-like, long and
slender, lower ones glossy and hairless. Leaf bases are dialted and
papery. Flower-heads are spherical, 2.5-3.5 cm, solitary at the end of
each stem, with many purple florets embedded in dense white-woolly
hairs surrounded by much longer spreading or upturned white-woolly
leaves. Grass Leaved Saw-wort is seen in the Himalayas at altitudes of
4000-5600 m. Flowering: July-September.
Medicinal uses: The entire plant is used in
Tibetan medicine, it is said to have a sour and sweet taste with a
heating potency. Antitussive, aphrodisiac, blood purifier and
emmenagogue, it is used in the treatment of coughing due to a loss of
potency of the spleen, irregular menses, seminal/vaginal discharge,
excessive bleeding from the womb and pain of the waist due to a loss of
renal potency.