Graceful Dendrobium is a medium sized orchid, growing
on trees, with drooping, stout, basally narrow, nodally swollen canes
that are yellow with purple stripes. The canes carry 8-12, deciduous,
linear to ovate-lanceshaped, leathery leaves that are bitoothed at the
tip. The plant blooms on a short, purplish inflorescence that arise
from the nodes near the tip of the cane, carrying 1-3, flowers. Flowers
are fragrant, spreading, papery; sepals and petals white with pale
purple tips, lip with many purplish red stripes on each side, disk with
a pale yellow transverse semilunar central blotch, column white, front
side with purple stripes, anther cap white. Dorsal sepal is
ovate-lanceshaped, 2.3-2.5 cm x 7-8 mm, 7-veined, tip pointed or
slightly blunt; lateral sepals nearly round, equal in size, 7-veined,
base oblique, tip pointed. Petals are obliquely ovate, 2.3-2.5 x
1.3-1.4 cm, main veins 5, secondary veins many, base contracted into a
short claw, margin entire, tip blunt; lip nearly broadly obovate, about
2.3 x 2.0 cm, above densely barbellate, base wedge-shaped, margin
fringed with hairs, tip rounded. Column is about 4 mm. Graceful
Dendrobium is found growing on tree trunks in open forests, at
altitudes of 800-1700 m, in NE India, S Yunnan, Laos, Myanmar, N
Thailand, Vietnam.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Manipur.
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